Set Free


Breaking Free from Addiction

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”  John 8:36

Our Passion

We help those struggling with addiction to find their new life in recovery

At Set Free Recovery as a registered NPO we help those battling with an addiction into recovery by guiding them through their struggles and the devastation caused by their addiction.  We create a living  program of recovery that works unique to the individual. 

Our Belief

It's never too late, we meet you at your point of need. Any addiction, we are here for you.

Addiction Counseling

Set Free runs an intensive Out-Patient program for adults and teens, helping those caught up in addiction to take accountability and responsibility for their journey into recovery.

Family Therapy

We believe in restoration of family relationships that have been damaged by addiction. We develop intervention programs for families to walk a road with their loved ones.

Relapse Prevention

We are passionate about helping addicts not only stay clean but  build new lives free from their addiction without fear of relapse. 


My name is Gavin and I’m a recovering addict and the founder of Set Free Recovery. I have a long history of addiction behind me. I lost everything through my addiction to crack, cocaine and heroin. My addiction was totally unmanageable despite the consequences I was experiencing, but when I tried to stop using, I found it impossible to cope without the drugs.

I was in many rehabs over a number of years until I eventually found recovery and have been clean for over 11 years now. My experience in addiction has given me a real insight into the process of recovery.

A large part of recovery is about stopping the cycle of addiction, but recovery is also about learning how to live in recovery on a daily basis and living a program that works for you. Recovery is about healing and growing and then learning how to build a new life free from your addiction.

I really have a passion to help those struggling with any addiction, to assist them into their own journey of recovery. I have a Bachelor’s Degree and have also trained to become a counsellor. I have been running the therapeutic program in a rehab and reintegration centre for over 5 years.